
P+DA0*, P+5A0*
  • Загальні характеристики

    k.Air is the ready-to-use solution for managing air handling and ventilation units.

    k.Air is a preprogrammed and fully-configurable controller, designed to reduce times and costs, from design right through to commissioning. It offers considerable flexibility, so as manage as many applications as possible, from the simplest to the most complex unit.

    The distinctive feature of k.Air is the result of CAREL's extensive experience in air handling unit and humidification management applications. Its intelligent control logic in fact ensures comfort, indoor air quality and a healthy environment, always with the lowest energy consumption, through hygienic and efficient operation of all of the components of the air handling unit.

    k.Air offers an advanced user experience: simplified access to information for users and service via an integrated web interface. A set of graphic pages with unit dashboards are available from first start-up, ready to be used with the new pGDx family of touchscreen displays.


  • Переваги


    A single application with modular architecture, designed to adapt to a wide range of application layouts.


    Easy configuration and commissioning.

    • Pre-loaded configurations;
    • Custom configurations generated by an external tool;
    • Auto-Backup of the last active configuration;
    • Manual configuration via display of all the unit's components;


    Simplified integration, both in the field with the unit's components, and integration with higher-level supervisory systems or BMS via built-in serial and Ethernet communication. Standard building automation protocols such as Modbus and BACnet are native in the controller.


    Built-in web interface with graphic pages and dashboards.

    Air quality and hygiene

    • Indoor air quality control
    • Accurate control of isothermal and adiabatic humidification
    • VDI-6022 program, with functions to improve unit hygiene based on the requirements of the VDI standard

    Energy efficiency

    • Smart device management based on minimum energy consumption
    • Freecooling, freeheating, heat recovery and indirect evaporative cooling
    • Management of direct expansion systems with DC compressors and EEV synchronisation





  • *Посібники
    Код Опис Мова Дата * Випуск
    Код +030220980
    Опис k.Air Controllo per unità di trattamento aria
    Мова ITA 
    Дата 04/10/2023
    Випуск 1.5
    Код +030220981
    Опис k.Air Air handling unit controller
    Мова ENG 
    Дата 04/10/2023
    Випуск 1.5
    Код +030220982
    Опис k.Air Commande pour unités de traitement d’air
    Мова FRE 
    Дата 04/10/2023
    Випуск 1.5
    Код +030220984
    Опис k.Air Control para unidades de tratamiento del aire
    Мова SPA 
    Дата 04/10/2023
    Випуск 1.5
  • *Технічні брошури
    Код Опис Мова Дата * Випуск
    Код +0500135IE
    Опис P+5A0SFC*LK, P+DA00FHD*FK: k.Air - kit per controllo unità trattamento aria e ventilazione / kit for air handling and ventilation unit control
    Мова ENG  ITA 
    Дата 04/10/2023
    Випуск 1.2


  • Other related documentation
    Код Опис Мова Дата * Випуск
    Код +3000262EN
    Опис Highly-efficient energy recovery for controlled mechanical ventilation units - Combined thermal wheel + reverse-cycle heat pump solution
    Мова ENG 
    Дата 01/08/2024
    Випуск 1.0
    Код +3000262IT
    Опис Recupero dell’energia ad alta efficienza per unità di ventilazione meccanica - Soluzione combinata di scambiatore di calore rotativo e pompa di calore reversibile
    Мова ITA 
    Дата 01/08/2024
    Випуск 1.0
    Код +800004030
    Опис Soluzioni per Unità Trattamento Aria: Tecnologia e competenza per la qualità dell’aria e il risparmio energetico
    Мова ITA 
    Дата 05/04/2023
    Випуск 1.2
    Код +800004031
    Опис Solutions for Air Handling Units: Technology and expertise for indoor air quality and energy saving
    Мова ENG 
    Дата 05/04/2023
    Випуск 1.2
    Код +800004036
    Опис Rozwiązania dla central wentylacyjno-klimatyzacyjnych (AHU) - Technologia, doświadczenie i oszczędność energii dla jakości powietrza w pomieszczeniach
    Мова POL 
    Дата 05/04/2023
    Випуск 1.2


  • High resolution images
    Код Опис Мова Дата * Випуск
    Код PH18LP+307-kAir-range
    Опис kAir-CAREL-HVAC controls-Air Handling and Ventilation
    Мова ALL 
    Дата 01/09/2021
    Випуск R.0